Dunoon Beach Hut Project, Credit Hannah Clinch

Evolve Arts and Tourism 2022

About Evolve Arts and Tourism

Evolve Arts and Tourism was created and carried out across Argyll and Bute to help mitigate the socio-economic challenges exacerbated by the pandemic. This project included commissioning area-based projects in Dunoon, Oban, Kyles of Bute and Lismore, also supporting the Cowal Summers Art Trail online 2022. Over the course of 2022, the projects emerged to create a unique offering for locals and visitors. 


Evolve supported:

  • Hannah Clinch, Tacit-Tacit, in the project We Are Building A Beach Hut.
  • Siàmh Sound in the creation of sound pieces on Lismore, to encourage visitors to explore and dwell in places of unique beauty and experiences.
  • Karen McPhail with 'Fragments' a project that created a trail of ceramic treasures for people to find.
  • Campbell and Joy Cameron in the creation of a unique Market Barra as a platform for selling local products and creating local experiences. 


Image: Hannah Clinch


Evolve Arts and Tourism was funded by Creative Scotland, and further supported by the Argyll and Isles Tourism Cooperative and Argyll and Bute Council.
