Chartsbearmakes (308 Of 328)

Accreditation Guidelines


CHARTS is a digital-facing and member-guided charity organisation that builds networks and creates sustainable opportunities by celebrating Argyll's cultural and creative side!

CHARTS was created through the desire to create a sustainable future for the Culture, Heritage and Arts sector in Argyll and Bute. We foster collaborative working across the whole Culture, Heritage and Arts sector; create events and products that are of sufficient quality and scale to be marketable at the highest level; create an environment that supports sustainability for sole traders and micro-businesses so they can afford to stay in Argyll and the Isles and are advocates for the needs and benefits of cultural activity.

We support over 500 members showcasing their work whilst creating opportunities to promote sustainable growth and collaboration between individuals and organisations.

If you are receiving support from CHARTS, we strongly recommend that you register as a free member:


Why should I credit support or the funding I am given?

As a charitable and member-guided organisation wish to make transparent where we are investing our support. Acknowledging CHARTS correctly alerts our marketing team and allows us to share your work and shout about the achievements happening in Argyll and Bute. As part of the funding/support acceptance, you must acknowledge CHARTS properly; you can do this by featuring our logo. 


Credit and Publicity 

Credit should be acknowledged on all:


Logos must be used on all:


Use of Credit on Social Media

If a photo is being shared for social media, we recommend credit lines when posting as opposed to a logo. If you are sharing any of the listed above, e.g. a poster or advert, please include the logo that has been already embedded into this visual. 


Below is an example of who to write a credit line: 

Facebook:  Thanks To The Support From @Chartsargyllandisles, Project Title, Additional Funders 

Instagram:  Thanks To The Support From @Chartsargyllandisles, Project Title, Additional Funders 

Twitter: TY @Chartargyllisle, Project Title, Additional Funders 


For help writing credit lines, please contact



You must keep CHARTS up to date with any aspects of your project, be this public engagement, news coverage, professional development or updates on your processes. These updates should be sent to

Acknowledgement of CHARTS support/funding for your organisation or project should be highlighted in all publicity using the appropriate credit logo and CHARTS mention via text. The correct phraseology for acknowledgement of support should be cited as Supported by Culture Heritage and Arts Assembly, Argyll and Isles (CHARTS).


How to use logos 

The logos should always be clear and easy to see; consider what size they will appear when printed or shown online. 


Things to consider when using a logo:

  1. Is there enough contrast between the logo and the background image?
  2. Is my logo clear? E.g. have you accidentally rotated, stretched or compressed the logo?


Please do not edit the logo into a different colour, add straplines or change the typeface. 


If it is impossible to use a logo, please use a credit line instead. For example, [recording/research/performance or publishing of a book] was supported by Culture Heritage and Arts Assembly, Argyll and Isles (CHARTS).

Available logos

CHARTS Main Logo

CHARTS Transparent Logo White

CHARTS Transparent Logo Black


For further information or clarification on any aspect of acknowledgement of CHARTS or logo use, please contact


Thanks for working with us CHARTS.


Lastest Version: April 2023