
Catriona Patience has created three artworks to mark Colmcille 1500

Tha Catriona Patience na neach-ealain ioma-mheadhanach bho taobh siar na h-Èirinn, ach a tha a’ fuireach is ag obair ann an Alba. Tha a h-ealain a’ comharrachadh na tha i air fhaicinn a-muigh tro dealbhan, aodach-fighte agus peant. Gus bliadhna Colmcille 1500 a chomharrachadh, tha Catriona air trì pìosan ealain a chruthachadh is air an taisbeanadh ann an bhidio.
Catriona Patience is a multimedia artist from the west of Ireland, who now lives and works in Scotland. Her seasonal art celebrates her encounters with the outside world through photography, textiles and paint. To celebrate Colmcille 1500 Catriona has created three original artworks depicting birds from the genus Columba with film footage shot on Inchcolm; Iona of the East.

The Colmcille Legacy Award offers monthly arts awards and online exhibitions to profile and support Gaelic artists work, aligned to themes of Colmcille. Find out more and apply for an award.