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Duais Dìleab Chaluim Chille / The Colmcille Legacy Award - arts awards

Posted by CHARTS


Funding and Grants

Deadline Date


Duais Dìleab Chaluim Chille / The Colmcille Legacy Award, is a small national award scheme created in partnership by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the Culture, Heritage and Arts Assembly, Argyll and Isles (CHARTS) to commemorate the life and cultural legacy of Colmcille throughout the Year of Colmcille, 1500.

The project offers monthly arts awards and online exhibition to profile and support Gaelic artists work, aligned to themes of Colmcille. For information about Year of Colmcille, see: This is a digital project to meet social distancing challenges presented by the impacts of Covid-19 at the time of the launch of Colmcille 1500. 

Awards are designed to support work which celebrates, remembers and interprets the role of Colmcille in the past and in contemporary society. Aiming to support a variety of work across arts media, artists are invited to submit proposals to support the development of new work, or highlight existing work, linked to the life and legacy of Colmcille. 

This project will celebrate Gaelic arts and culture using a range of arts media and themes related to Colmcille, which can be shown to advantage in an electronic media, online, context. 

Applicants should note that two award types are available (you can apply for up to £750)

  • Up to 18 arts awards will be made to artists living in Scotland 
  • A single heritage award will be made to artist/s living in Argyll and Bute region only 

We aim to offer at least one award at each selection stage to a young person, aged between 16-26 years. 

Application deadline  
Arts Awards – This is a rolling programme, running until December 2021. You may apply at any time. Up to 18 awards will be made in total.

Full details:
English Guidance
English Application Form
Gaelic Guidance
Gaelic Application Form
Equality Questionnaire

The first two Colmcille Legacy Awards have been made to fine artist Catriona Patience and songwriter Rachel Walker. 

Seo neach-ealain Catriona Patience a fhuair maoin airson pròiseact ealain ùr bhon sgeama Duais Dìleab Chaluim Chille le CHARTS (maoin bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig). 

Watch a video of artist Catriona Patience who received funding for a new art project from the Colmcille Legacy Award by CHARTS (funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig).

Seo seinneadair/sgrìobhadair chiùil - Rachel Walker a fhuair maoin bhon sgeama Duais Dìleab Chaluim Chille le CHARTS (maoin bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig) airson òran ùr a sgrìobhadh. 

Here is singer/composer - Rachel Walker who received funding for a new song project from the Colmcille Legacy Award by CHARTS (funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig). 

Image: Catriona Patience, Swallows in Coffee: 13/5/2020: 30cm x 30cm Watercolor and coffee on Fabriano Paper.