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Help develop a young person’s life chances – and promote your organisation’s objectives at the same time!

Posted by CHARTS


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About the Young Person’s Guarantee
The Guarantee, backed by a £60 million Scottish Government investment, aims to give all young people in Scotland the chance to succeed despite the economic impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Here in Argyll and Bute the TSI is working with Argyll and Bute Council to deliver the volunteering opportunities element of the programme and we are looking for partner organisations to support young people in experiencing career prospect enhancing volunteering opportunities as well as partners who will refer young people to the programme.

This may look daunting, but we will support you along the way!  We can help with advice on structuring the placement and supporting young people to get the most of it.

Organisations backing the Guarantee make five pledges to help young people at this critical time:
  • prepare young people for the world of work through work experience, volunteering and work-based learning opportunities
  • engage with and provide opportunities to young people who face barriers to work
  • create work-based learning, training and upskilling opportunities for young people
  • create jobs and opportunities for young people through apprenticeships, paid internships and work experience
  • create an inclusive workplace to support learning and enable young people to meet their potential
Supported Volunteering Placements

This is where the third sector comes in!
The Young Person’s Guarantee is to create funded and supported volunteering placements for young people who face barriers to volunteering. These volunteering opportunities will be based within the voluntary / third sector. As part of the placement young people will be entitled to access:
– Support from partners and TSI staff to find and engage with a volunteering opportunity
– Additional support from the host organisation (for which a small grant will be paid)
– Access to training
– Specialist support (where relevant)
Argyll and Bute TSI is working with Argyll and Bute Council’s employability team to deliver the Young Person’s Guarantee Programme locally.  We are currently seeking to identify both young people to take part in the programme, and host organisations who can commit to supporting a young person to volunteer.
Funded by the Scottish Government, the programme runs until March 2022.
Joining the Programme

Organisations can register their interest in hosting a placement by completing the application form and by signing up to training. (Application form here)
To discuss any aspect of the programme please contact
Argyll & Bute Third Sector Interface is offering volunteer recruitment training and Youth Innovation Project Training. The first session runs on 28th June 2021 but others are available throughout July. Click here for more information. 
Young people who meet the criteria can be referred to the programme by emailing
If your organisation is already working with eligible young people who are interested in starting volunteering with you can apply to join the programme by e-mailing