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Argyll Papers At Inveraray Castle, Credit Argyll Papers
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Archive Assistant Trainee (Argyll Aspires)

Posted by CHARTS



Deadline Date


Argyll Aspires, a partnership project between Culture Heritage and Arts Assembly, Argyll and Isles (CHARTS) seeks to recruit an Archives Assistant trainee to be based in the Argyll Papers, the family and estate archive of the Duke of Argyll, at Inveraray Castle.

As an Archives Assistant trainee, you will be introduced to the principles of archive management, including supporting and supervising researchers, cataloguing and arrangement, palaeography, collection care, outreach work and digitisation.

The Argyll Papers at Inveraray Castle are the family and estate archive of the earls and dukes of Argyll, dating from the 14th century to the current day. The archives are preserved and made available to support work of Argyll Estates and are open to researchers from around the world. You will join a small friendly team of staff and volunteers, and work with the Friends of the Argyll Papers, an international group of supporters of the archive.

You will be working towards Foundation level membership of the Archives and Records Association and will have the opportunity to achieve modules towards the Archival Studies PG Cert with the Centre for Archive and Information Studies (CAIS) at the University of Dundee. These opportunities will provide you with the knowledge, professional experience, and the confidence to obtain future employment in the Archive Sector if you choose to, or transferable skills that will be valuable in many other careers.

This is an opportunity to be part of an exciting project partnership, known as Argyll Aspires, which is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Argyll Aspires offers young people throughout Argyll the chance to build skills and develop careers in the heritage sector. There will be one Modern Apprenticeship at Auchindrain Historic Township, another at Dunollie Museum Castle & Grounds, and an Archives Assistant Traineeship with The Argyll Papers, Inveraray Castle.

This is a part-time 0.6 FTE, fixed-term contract for 14 months intended to run from August/September 2022. The salary meets the ARA recommendation for para-professional post.

The closing date for applications is the 15 July 2022 at 17:00, with interviews scheduled to take place online on Tuesday 26 July.

For an informal discussion about the post please contact Alison at:

Job description
Application form


Tha Argyll Aspires, a tha na phròiseact com-pàirteachais eadar Còmhdhail Cultair, Dualchais is Ealain Earra-Ghàidheal is nan Eilean (CHARTS) ag iarraidh Neach-cuideachaidh Stuth-tasgaidh fo thrèanadh fhastadh ri bhith stèidhichte ann am Pàipearan Earra-Ghàidheal, stuth-tasgaidh oighreachd is teaghlach Diùc Earra-Ghàidheal, aig Caisteal Inbhir Aora.

Mar Neach-cuideachaidh Stuth-tasgaidh fo thrèanadh, gheibh thu eòlas air na prionnsapalan an lùib rianachd stuth-tasgaidh, taic is stiùireadh do luchd-rannsachaidh, clàradh is eagrachadh, eòlas air sgrìobhadh àrsaidh, cùram chruinneachaidhean, obair air a’ bhlàr a-muigh agus digiteachadh nam measg.

Is iad Pàipearan Earra-Ghàidheal aig Caisteal Inbhir Aora stuth-tasgaidh iarlan is diùcan Earra-Ghàidheal bhon 14mh linn chun an latha an-diugh. Tha an stuth-tasgaidh ga
ghleidheadh agus gan nochdadh mar thaic ri Caisteal Inbhir Aora mar ionad-turasachd, mar thaic ri obair Oighreachdan Earra-Ghàidheal san fharsaingeachd, agus mar thaic ri luchd-rannsachaidh. Thèid thu air sgioba beag càirdeil luchd-obrach is saor-thoileach ag obair le Caraidean Phàipearan Earra-Ghàidheal, buidheann eadar-nàiseanta de luchd-taice an stuth-thasgaidh.

Bidh thu ag obair a dh’ionnsaigh ballrachd aig ìre Bhunaiteach de Chomann Stuth-tasgaish is nan Clàr agus bidh an cothrom agad modalan a thoirt gu buil a dh’ionnsaigh
Teisteanas PG ann an Eòlas Stuth-tasgaidh le Ionad Eòlas Stuth-tasgaidh is Fiosrachaidh (CAIS) aig Oilthigh Dhùn Deagh. Bheir na cothroman seo dhut eòlas,
fiosrachadh dreuchdail, agus a’ mhisneachd barrachd cosnaidh fhaighinn ann an Roinn an Stuth-thasgaidh mas e sin do mhiann, no eòlas a ghabhas atharrachadh a bhios ri fhaotainn ann an iomadh dreuchd eile.

Seo agad cothrom dol an sàs ann an com-pàirteachas pròiseict eadar Còmhdhail Dualchais is Ealain, Earra-Ghàidheal is na h-Eileanan (CHARTS) agus Pàipearan Earra-
Ghàidheal aig Caisteal Inbhir Aora. Tha am pròiseact com-pàirteachas, air a bheil mar ainm Argyll Aspires, ga mhaoineachadh le Maoin an Dualchais. Tha Argyll Aspires na
chothrom do dhaoine òga air feadh Earra-Ghàidheal cur ris an eòlas aca agus dreuchdan a chruthachadh ann an roinn an dualchais. Bidh aon Phreasantachd Ùr-
nòsach aig Baile Aosmhor Achadh an Droighinn, tè eile aig Caisteal is Fearann Thaigh-tasgaidh Dùn Olla, agus Foghlainneachd Stuth-tasgaidh le Pàipearan Earra-Ghàidheal,
Inbhir Aora.

Seo cùmhnant stèidhichte 0.6 FTE pàirt-ùineach fad 14 mìosan a thathar am beachd ruith bho Lùnastal/Sultain 2022. Tha an tuarastal a rèir moladh ARA airson post ionnan ri post dreuchdail.

Is e an ceann-là mu dheireadh airson iarrtasan 15 Iuchar 2022 aig 17.00, le agallamhan rin cumail air an Lìon Dimàirt 26 Iuchar.

Airson còmhradh neo-fhoirmeil mun phost, nach cuir thu fios gu Alison aig: