(English below)
Chaidh Àdhamh thun co-labhairt 's taisbeanadh an asgaidh bho chionn seachdain ris an abrar "An Saoghal a bhios a' toirt Cumadh dar n-Oirthir". Bha òraidean 's comhradh sònraichte math ann mu dhéidhinn mar a bha, mar a tha 's mar a bhios oirthir na h-Alba sna blianaichean ri thighinn.
Leis gu robh Àdhamh air cur ris an iomairt "COAST" a thruis sgeultan 's seanchas eile ann an iomadh àite air Gàidhealtachd an Iar na h-Alba, bha e inntinneach dha a bhith ann an dà chuid mar Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig aig CHARTS agas mar phàirte de sgioba COAST.
Oidhche h-Aoine, chaidh Àdhamh a-null gu Creiginnis air son cuideachadh leis a' bhuidhinn ùir "Companaich Dhail Riada". Chaidh a' bhuidheann a stéidheachadh gus cothrom a thoirt do dhaoine a tha a' fuireach ann am Meadhan Earra-Ghàidheil tighinn cruinn comhla air son Gàidhlig ionnsachadh. Tha Companaich Dhail Riada gu sònraichte ag iarraidh feuchainn air Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn 's bidh an cearcall-comhraidh seo na chobhair le sin.
Thug Àdhamh seachad òraid air eachdraigh Gàidhlig an àite 's na daoine mu dhéireadh air an robh i. Chòrd an oidhche glan ris agas ri na daoine a thàinig am follais ann a-réir coltais!
CHARTS Gaelic Officer has been busy, travelling across Scotland to The World That Is Shaping Our COAST at The Briggait, Glasgow and helping Craignish's new Gaelic Group.
At the start of January, Àdhamh attended a free event and exhibition, The World that Shapes our COAST, organised by COAST and Lateral North. He was involved in excellent talks and stimulating conversations about the past, present and future of Scotland's coastline in the years to come.
Àdhamh has contributed to the COAST project, which gathered stories and other lore from around the West Highlands of Scotland. Making it interesting for him to attend as both Gaelic Culture Officer for CHARTS and as part of the COAST team!
Last Friday night, Àdhamh went over to Craignish to help with a new group, "Companaich Dhail Riada" (roughly translates as "Dalriada Pals"). The group was founded to provide an opportunity for people who live in Mid-Argyll to learn Gaelic. Companaich Dhail Riada especially wishes to speak Gaelic they know; this conversation circle will aid that.
Àdhamh gave a talk on the history of the local Gaelic dialect and the last people who spoke it. He thoroughly enjoyed the night, and it appeared that those who made it out also did!