Towards the Water | COP26 and Argyll
Posted by CHARTS
With COP26 happening in Glasgow, artists and writers in Argyll and the Isles have come together to present Towards The Water - Ecotone. Images and text by artists exploring the challenges of Argyll’s environmental stewardship will be exhibited online and in person at Dunoon Burgh Hall till 14 November. This event is free and unticketed.
Nina Bacos and Anna Bokström
Joseph Beuys and Richard Demarco
Laura Donkers
Naoko Mabon
Deirdre MacKenna
Alexander and Susan Maris
JMW Turner and William Miller
Seawilding and Philip Price
Susannah Rose
Roc Sandford
Caroline Younger
Dunoon Burgh Hall , 195 Argyll St, Dunoon , Dunoon , PA23 7DD,