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SPRINGBOARD local assembly for creative climate action - Argyll and Bute

Posted by CHARTS


01/11/2024 16:00 - 01/11/2024 20:00


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Creative Carbon Scotland is working with Cove Park, Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network and many organisations across Scotland to deliver a series of local assemblies for creative climate action. This local assembly will focus on invasive species in across the Helensburgh and Lomond area of Argyll and Bute, the work being done to act on them, and how culture and creativity can support this.

SPRINGBOARD brings together artists, cultural and sustainability organisations, climate workers, activists, local businesses, third-sector organisations and anyone interested in collaborating to form powerful local networks for creative climate action. Local assemblies are an opportunity to connect with other practitioners in your region to address climate change collectively. The assemblies are for anyone working or volunteering in the climate or environmental sector, the arts, screen, creative industries, museums, heritage and libraries.

The evening will open with a perfomance from cellist Jessica Kerr. We will hear from ACT who will share the history of invasive species, their impact and why we need to act on them.

We will hear from a range of speakers working across the environmental sector in Argyll and Bute, introduce the green mapping tool and share funding opportunities. Finally we will collectively discuss how we take forward this work in creative ways.


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Cove Park , Peaton Hill Cove , G84 0PE,

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