Remembering Together | Online Community Consultation
Posted by CHARTS
Over the course of September and October 2022 Lateral North delivered a series of workshops throughout Argyll and Bute as part of the Scotland-wide project Remembering Together.
This online event shares research gathered during Lateral Norths community workshops in 2022, discusses the ideas generated, and is an opportunity for other people to contribute, and comment on, what the next steps are for the project.
These next steps will then be fed back to the Scottish Government, Greenspace Scotland and CHARTS to allow them to commission an artist(s) or practitioner as part of the delivery phase.
The event will be split into three key elements:
1. Introduction to Remembering Together and Scotland-wide programme
2. Reflections On and Ideas Generated as part of Remembering Together Argyll and Bute Workshops
3. Workshop to Develop Ideas Further and Identify Best Opportunity
The event will be held online between 2-3pm or 6-7pm on the same day to allow for as many people as possible to attend. The format noted above will be repeated at each of these sessions.