Gott Bay, Tiree Artist Jennifer Hex, The Argyll Collection (1)
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Islands Satellite Group Meeting Bute

Posted by CHARTS




07/02/2024 12:30 - 07/02/2024 14:30

Join CHARTS Island Advocate Sam Kilday for the second Bute Islands Satellite Group Meeting. These meetings are a chance for local culture and heritage practitioners and creatives to express your views and needs and to meet others in the sector.

To stimulate conversation about Bute's art, culture and heritage, CHARTS Reconnected Project Manager Rosalyn McKenna will introduce us to a few pieces of visual art from the Argyll Collection.


12.30pm to 2.30pm, 7 February

Bank of Ideas,

17 High Street,


PA20 9AS


Tea and Coffee (please feel free to bring your own lunch)


Discover more about CHARTS Island Satellite Group.


Charts Island Satellite Group is part of the Island Development Project Ràmh is funded by The Scottish Government and supported by Argyll and Bute Council, the Scottish Islands Team and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.


Image: Gott Bay, Tiree. Artist Jennifer Hex, The Argyll Collection 

17 High Street Rothesay

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