Expressing An Island, Patrick Corbett Geology Poetry Workshop July 2023, Film Still By Glenda Rome (1)
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Geology and poetry workshop

Posted by CHARTS


18/11/2023 11:30 - 10/12/2023 17:00

Join Norman Bissell, Lottie May and others for FREE WORKSHOPS on Luing, Lismore, Kerrera and Seil as part of CHARTS Coastal Cultures.


Upcoming workshops include: 

Creating a Geology Trail and Promoting Geotourism

11.30am to 4.30pm, Sunday 12 November

Cullipool Hall, Isle of Luing 

11.30am This Geology Workshop led by Patrick Corbett, Emeritus Professor of Geology, Heriot-Watt University, will discuss ideas for a Geology Trail between the Atlantic Islands Centre and the site of the proposed Luing Community Trust slate-making workshop near the quarries to the north of Cullipool Village. 

1.30pm to 2.30pm Lunch 

2.30pm This Writing Workshop led by Norman Bissell, author and Director of the Scottish Centre of Geopoetics, will encourage the writing of poems and prose for the proposed Geology Trail. It will also discuss ideas for promoting Geotourism on Luing. 

To book please email


Stamp Making (Xmas cards/gift tags) Workshop with Lottie May

Saturday 11 November

Lismore Public Hall 

To book please email


Writing an Island Workshop with Norman Bissell

Saturday 18 November

Lismore Gaelic Heritage Centre 

To book please email


Lino Bookmark Workshop with Lottie May

Saturday 25 November 


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Writing an Island Workshop with Norman Bissell

Saturday 25 November

Lismore Gaelic Heritage Centre 

To book please email


Writing an Island Workshop with Norman Bissell

Sunday 26 November

Seil Public Hall 

To book please email


 Stamp Making (Xmas cards/gift tags) Workshop with Lottie May

Sunday 3 December

on Kerrera

To book please email


Writing an Island Workshop with Norman Bissell

Saturday 9 December


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Writers and Crafters Discussion about Next Steps for Island Networks with Norman Bissell

Sunday 10 December

Cullipool Hall, Luing 

To book please email