
Art and Crafts classes 8 weeks

Posted by Stephen Eccles


Oban and Lorn


30/01/2020 19:00 - 19/03/2020 19:00


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The Benderloch Arts and Crafts group is once again running an arts class with professional artist Alan Anderson. And this term more arty subjects will be covered! - including the usual DRAW and PAINT tutoring - watercolour - gouache - oil - pen & ink And also offering SCULPTURE - paper - wireframe - tissue paper - hessian & plaster - and clay, plus WEAVING - small loom - portable.
The course runs for eight weeks - cost £80
Just dig out your paper and paints - or whatever  - & turn up at Benderloch, St Modan's Church hall (behind the church) 7-9pm Thurs 30th Jan or 2-4pm Fri 31st Jan.
More info? call Steve 01631 720438 email: or email:
or just turn up for a taster!

Campbell Memorial Hall, St Modan's Church, Benderloch, Oban, PA37 1QP,

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