Adapting Digital Standards: Empowering small, volunteer & community groups
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This talk will explore the DRI's Guide to Archiving Digital Records for Volunteer and Community Groups publication - co created by archival practice experts and using person-centred approaches devised through the DRI's Community Archive Scheme training resources. The guide provides clear, easy to follow and accessible instructions and advice for small organisations with limited resources, enabling them to make the best use of what resources they have and to preserve a cross-section of their digital records. It aims to enable small groups to organise their materials in such a way that if they have the opportunity to deposit them in a trusted digital repository, they will have well-organised collections in accessible and interoperable formats.
Speaker: Maeve O'Brien
Dr. Maeve O'Brien is Membership Manager at the Digital Repository of Ireland. With a background in academia and community development, she is particularly passionate about digital preservation for community archiving and cross-sector collaboration - to ensure voices and data across the spectrum are preserved openly, safely and for the long-term
Case Study: Clare Lanigan, Cuimhneamh an Chláir / Clare Memories.
What you will gain:
About CAHG Scotland:
The aim of CAHG Scotland is to create a self-sustaining network of community archive groups within Scotland, committed to a vision and ethos of collaboration and mutual support. CAHG Scotland listens to and delivers outcomes for communities and heritage organisations based in Scotland, celebrating and highlighting its diversity. The network embraces sharing and providing knowledge, training and best practice whilst supporting and advocating on behalf of community archives and heritage groups.
Scottish Council on Archives and Community Archive Heritage Group Scotland are working with Our Heritage Our Stories, a project led by University of Glasgow, part of the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded programme, Towards a National Collection (TaNC).