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Historic Enviroment Scotland
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Historic environment employers skills survey

Posted by CHARTS

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The sector is facing increasing challenges in regards to accessing skills provision.

As an employer or organisation in the heritage sector, we want your views on the skills and workforce challenges your organisation is facing, and the solutions your organisation needs.

The Skills Investment Plan for the Historic Environment (SIP) was developed and published in 2019 by Historic Environment Scotland and Skills Development Scotland after consultation with the sector and its partners.

Why your views matter

Your opinions are vital. Without your views we will not be able to identify the priority actions, and where to focus resources and effort over the next five years.

The survey has 40 questions which are mostly multiple choice covering business confidence, recruitment challenges, skills needs and gaps and training provision.   You are able to save the survey and return at any time.

The closing date for the survey is Monday 14 August.