We can’t wait to welcome Àdhamh Ó Broin to the CHARTS team as our Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig / Gaelic Culture Officer!
This new part-time post will be responsible for the strategic development of our Gaelic cultural services, including the design of projects and award schemes, as well as the promotion of the CHARTS network among Gaelic arts, heritage, and cultural communities.
This fantastic new role has been funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and will be supported by Argyll and Bute Council.
Àdhamh, who starts in August, said:
“Tha mi air a bhith ag obair air mo cheann fhé fad ioma bliana taobh Arra-Gháidheil a' feuchainn ri dualchas 's dualchainntean an àite a thoirt air ais thun an uachdair. Tha an dreuchd ùr, ghasta seo a' toirt cothrom air leth dhomh cur ris an an eòlas 's ris a' chàirdeas a thruis mi ré na h-ùine sin. Tha mi air mo dhòigh a-nis an speannamh a th' agam a chur ris an obair seo an dà chuid as leth luchd-ealain 's bhuill CHARTS air feamh Arra-Gháidheil 's do na h-uile duine aig a' bheil ùidh ann an cànan 's dualchas nan Gáidheal."
"I have been working off my own steam for many years in Argyll attempting to bring the inherited culture and dialects of the area back to prominence. This splendid new post gives me an incredible opportunity to grow the knowledge and contacts I have built up over that time. I am now absolutely delighted to be able to invest my energy in this work both on behalf of our network of artists and heritage members across Argyll and for everyone who has interest in the language and lore of the Gael."
As a Scottish Gaelic Consultant, Àdhamh manages projects which aim to revive authentic dialects within communities including Bute, Cowal and Mid-Argyll. He has encouraged elderly speakers to use their language to maintain local identity, and with audio and text digitisation, tours, archival research, fieldwork and dialect immersion weekends he aims to preserve regional Gaelic heritage.