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Ràmh | Islands Development Project

Argyll and Bute has 23 islands, more than any other local authority area. Across Argyll mainland and islands, there is 3.723km of coastline, and 80% of the population live within 1km of the coast and 96.5% within 10km of the coast.

Ràmh /Raːv/ named after the Gaelic word for 'oar', supports island practitioners and organisations to undertake new projects, promotes existing successes and aims to help protect the remarkable heritage which underpins work across Argyll’s islands.


Air an aon ràmh - on the same oar - working together.


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About Ràmh

Funded by the Scottish Government, CHARTS Islands Development Project, Ràmh has supported a variety of island practitioners and organisations to date to undertake new projects and has promoted existing success, aiming to assist in protecting the remarkable heritage which underpins work across Argyll’s islands. 

Since 2023, CHARTS staff have consulted with island residents to understand how best to support current and future cultural activity, allowing development to be informed by island residents themselves. This has involved in-person visits and surveys and combined consultation with knowledge exchange opportunities where possible. 

CHARTS' work with islands has been featured in the National Islands Plan: annual report 2023, What We Do In The Winter, Posdcast, BBC Radio nan Gaidheal Feasgar an-diugh BBC Sounds and in the Oban Times. 


The Island Development Project Ràmh is funded by The Scottish Government and supported by Argyll and Bute Council, and the Scottish Islands Team. Islands projects are also supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Creative Scotland.


Ràmh | Islands Development Project