Déirdre Ní Mhathúna
Déirdre Ní Mhathúna is an artist, singer and researcher. Visual art, performance and socially-engaged arts practice are equally important within her creative practice. The people and places of the Psalmboat Project/Pròiseact Bàta nan Salm on the Isle of Lewis have been an important locus of her work for over a decade. The Colmcille Legacy Award brought welcome recognition for the project itself, which first came to life on the shores of Loch Èireasort on the feast of Colmcille, 2010.
Déirdre says:
"It is a privilege to join CHArts as we celebrate #Colmcille1500 this year. In my two short films I have set out to show the depth of Colmcille’s legacy in the Scottish Gàidhealtachd.”
Tha e na urram dhomh a bhith an sàs ann an CHArts am bliadhna, 's sinne a' comharrachadh #Colmcille1500. Tha mi an dòchas gum bi an dà fhiolm goirid agam a’ sealltainn doimhneachd dìleab Chaluim Chille ann an Gàidhealtachd na h-Alba."