(English below)
Bho chionn ghreis, chaidh an taisbeanadh mu dhéidhinn beatha Chaluim Chille thar na tuinn gu Ìle as déidh trì mìosan taobh Cheann Loch. Anns an 27mh latha den Damhair, chuir Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle agas CHARTS cuirm air dòigh gus seo a chomharrachadh.
Am measg na bh’ ann de sheanchas:
Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig Àdhamh Ó Broin
Seinneadair Gaeilig na h-Éirinn Diane Cannon
Seinneadair Gàidhlig na h-Alba Alasdair MacIlleBhàin
Òraid air ceangladh nan eileanan le Oifigear nan Eilean Caitlin McNeill
Dannsa Gàidhealach le Freya and Olivia
Seinneadair Ìleach Anndra Mac a' Ghobhainn
Chuir Stiùiriche an Ionaid Niall Woodrow fàilte air na h-uile duine mun dug Àdhamh Ó Broin seachad sgeul dà-chànanach às Ìle fhéin mu dhéidhinn nan Daoine Beaga; shaoil leis gum biodh e gu math freagarrach ’s Oidhche Shamhna ri thighinn!
A’ leantainn air seo, thug Caitlin NicNéill (Oifigear nan Eilean aig CHARTS) seachad òraid bheag air an obair aice am measg nan Eileanaich agas bha òrain ghasta air an gabhail le Alasdair MacIlleBhàin à Muile ’s Diane Cannon à Tìr Chonail. Bha Dannsadh Gàidhealach ann cuideachd le Ìlich òga Freya ’s Olivia mun do chuir Anndra Mac a’ Ghobhainn, seinneadair às an Eilean fhéin, deagh chrìoch air a’ ghnothach le dreach de Shìne Bhàn.
Bha biadh blasta ann, glainne fìon, copan tì ’s cofaidh ’s gu leòr de rudan milis!
“Bu mhath le CHARTS ‘gu robh math’ a thoirt seachad do luchd-obrach Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle, do na seinneadairean ’s dannsairean a bh’ ann agas gu sònraichte do mhuinntir Ìle air son a bhith an lathair ann.” - Àdhamh Ó Broin
To celebrate the second leg of Cuairt Chaluim Chille // Touring St Columba, and the arrival of the St Columba exhibition in Islay after three months in Campbeltown, CHARTS hosted Cuairt Chaluim Chille Ìle // St Columba Travels to Islay, an opening celebration at Ionad Chaluim Chille Ile / Islay Gaelic Centre, on the 27th of October 2023.
Performances and readings included:
Welcome from Oifigear Cultair Ghàidlhig Àdhamh Ó Broin
Irish Gaelic singer Diane Cannon
Scottish Gaelic singer Alasdair Whyte
Connecting Islands talk from CHARTS’ Island Officer Caitlin McNeill
Highland Dancing from Islay performers Freya and Olivia
Islay Gaelic singer Andrew McCowan
Ionad Chaluim Chille Ile / Islay Gaelic Centre Director Niall Woodrow welcomed everyone to the event before Àdhamh Ó Broin recited a bilingual tale from Islay itself about the Little People figuring it would be very fitting with Hallowe’en just round the corner!
Following this, CHARTS’ Island Officer Caitlin McNeil gave a talk on her work amongst island folk, and there were splendid songs sung by Mull’s Alasdair Whyte and Diane Cannon from Donegal. There was Highland Dancing too from young Islay performers Freya and Olivia before Andrew McCowan, a singer from Islay herself, brought things to a great finish with a version of the song “Sìne Bhàn” (Fair-haired Jane).
There was tasty food, a glass of wine, tea and coffee, and plenty a sweet thing to be had!
“CHARTS would like to offer our ‘gu robh math’ (thanks) to the staff at the Islay Gaelic Centre, to the singers and dancers who performed and especially to the people of Islay for their presence at the event." - Àdhamh Ó Broin
Tha Cuairt Chaluim Chille ga cruthachadh le Còmhdhail Cultair, Dualchais is Ealain Earra-Ghàidheal agus nan Eilean (CHARTS), le taic bho Chomhairle Earra-Ghàidheal agus Bhòid. Chaidh an com-pàirteachas dàna seo eadar Earra-Ghàidheal agus Èirinn a chur air chomas le taic còmhla bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig agus Foras na Gaeilge gus cur ris na ceanglaichean eadar luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ann an Èirinn agus Alba a dh’èirich à bliadhna Chaluim Chille 1500. Buidheachas gu sònraichte airson taic Taigh-tasgaidh Sgìre Thìr Chonaill agus Roinn Turasachd, Cultair, Ealainean, Gàidhealtachd, Spòrs agus nam Meadhanan.
Cuairt Chaluim Chille // Touring St Columba is hosted by CHARTS, supported by Argyll and Bute Council. This bold project partnership between Argyll and Ireland is made possible with joint support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Foras na Gaeilge to build from relationships grown during the themed year Colmcille 1500. A special thanks to the support of Donegal County Museum and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
CHARTS Gaelic Development