Gaelic Classes Arrochar 2023, Credit CHARTS

Clas Gàidhlig An Àrchair // Arrochar Gaelic Class

Eadar crìoch a’ Chéitein ’s meadhan an Iuchair, chuir CHARTS an cuid taic ri clas Gàidhlig ùr anns an Àrchair air a theasgasg leis an Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig againn Àdhamh Ó Broin.

Between the end of May and the middle of July, CHARTS supported a new 6-week-long Gaelic class in Arrochar taught by our Gaelic Culture Officer Àdhamh Ó Broin.

Bha deagh mheasgachadh de dhaoine ann, bho luchd-tòiseachaidh gu luchd-fileantachd, a’ ciallachadh gum b’ urrainn dhuinn dà bhuidhean a chur air dòigh!

The class was a great mix of folk, from beginners to fluent speakers, allowing us to set up not just one but two groups!


“I don’t know how we would have managed without Àdhamh.  The group members all really wanted someone there in person to teach us, rather than use impersonal online technology.  It would have been prohibitively expensive for our wee rural group to pay for the hall hire, a tutor’s time and travel expenses. However Àdhamh, CHARTS and Argyll & Bute Council made this affordable and therefore possible for us to have a Gaelic language course in our Three Villages Hall.  We all benefitted from having Àdhamh here in person and enjoyed the classes very much.” - Kirsten Easdale, Arrochar


“I really found the Gaelic classes very helpful in making me learn more about the language. Having Àdhamh in person to guide us was really beneficial.  He was very encouraging and made the classes fun and interactive. I would definitely attend a class again.” - Giovanni Arsciwals, Tarbet


“Although I missed most of the classes due to various things, I found the evening I attended to be beneficial and it’s great to see so many getting on with the Gaelic. Many thanks for all for their efforts” - Ruairidh Owen, Arrochar

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