Àdhamh Ó Broin (Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig),Cearcal Còmhraidh Dhùn Omhainn Dunoon Gaelic Conversation Circle , Feb 2024, Credit CHARTS.

Cearcall-comhraidh Dhùn Omhann / Dunoon Gaelic Conversation Circle

Chaidh Àdhamh a chéilidh air cearcall-comhraidh ùr air a chur air dòigh le Caoimhin Grannd le 30 neach-ionnsachaidh aig iomadh ìre ’s aois gus taic a chur ris.  Mhair an cothrom dà uair air an uaireadair ’s bha gu leòr a Ghàidhlig air a bruidhinn fad na h-ùine.  Bha cuid mhath de thì, cofaidh ’s briosgaidean ri fhaodainn agus ùidh mhóir aig daoine ann an dualchainnt Earra-Ghàidheil Àdhaimh!

Àdhamh attended a brand new conversation circle run by Kevin Grant where there were 30 Gaelic learners of different ages and abilities in order to lend his support.  The session lasted two hours with lots of Gaelic spoken throughout and there was plenty tea, coffee and biscuits at the break with everyone very interested to hear Àdhamh’s Argyll dialect!

Gaelic in Cowal / Gàidhlig ann an Còmhall