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Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig / Gaelic Culture Officer

Posted by CHARTS



Deadline Date


Tha CHARTS ri Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig fhastadh a chuireas ris an luchd-obrach aca a’ leudachadh. Bidh leasachadh ro-innleachdail nan seirbheisean Gàidhlig an urra ris a’ phost phàirt-ùineach seo. Tha seo a’ gabhail a-steach dealbhadh is taic ri pròiseactan agus sgeamaichean dhuaisean, a bharrachd air lìonra CHARTS a chur air adhart am measg luchd-ealain, luchd-dualchais, agus luchd-cultair na Gàidhlig.

Thathar air an dreuchd seo a dhealbhadh gus na h-amasan an lùib Plana Gàidhlig Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid agus Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig a thoirt gu buil.

Gabhaidh an dreuchd ùr tionnsgalach seo airson Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd a-steach a’ cuideachadh ri leasachadh Poileasaidh Cultair Ghàidhlig do dh’Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd, ag obair le luchd-ùidhe, agus a’ leasachadh sreath ghoireasan tiomnaichte, tionnsgalach gus pròiseactan a chur air dòigh agus air adhart. Cuiridh an dreuchd seo ri ìre soirbheachaidh nam pròiseactan Gàidhlig gu ruige seo agus ri com-pàirteachas anns an roinn, anns an rìoghachd agus thall thairis. 

Tha am post seo, do neach-labhairt fileanta Gàidhlig, ga mhaoineachadh le Bòrd na Gàidhlig le taic bho Chomhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid. Bidh an t-Oifigear Chultair Ghàidhlig ag obair gu dlùth le luchd-obrach, com-pàirtichean agus luchd-ùidhe CHARTS agus a’ cur ris an obair aig Oifigear Leasachaidh na Gàidhlig aig Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid.

Airson tuairisgeul-obrach agus barrachd fiosrachaidh faic an seo

Ceann-latha deireannach airson iarrtasan 10m, 30 Cèitean 2022.


CHARTS is recruiting for a Gaelic Culture Officer to join its expanding creative workforce. This part-time post will be responsible for strategic development of Gaelic cultural services. This includes the design and support of projects and award schemes, as well as the promotion of the CHARTS network among Gaelic arts, heritage, and cultural communities. This role is designed to meet key cultural objectives aligned to the Argyll and Bute Gaelic Language Plan and the National Language Plan.

This innovative new role for Argyll and Bute will include assisting the development of a Gaelic Culture Policy for Argyll and Bute, working with key stakeholders, and developing a suite of dedicated, innovative Gaelic resources, to facilitate and promote projects. This role will build on the breadth of Gaelic project success to date and include regional, national, and international partnership building.

The post, designed for a fluent Gaelic speaker, has been funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and is supported by Argyll and Bute Council. The Gaelic Culture Officer will work in close collaboration with CHARTS staff, partners and project stakeholders including to complement the role of the Gaelic Development Worker of Argyll and Bute Council.

For job description and more information see here

Deadline for applications, 10am, 30th May 2022.