Dunoon Burgh Hall Exhibition Assistant Placement to assist with Joan Eardley Centenary Exhibition
Posted by CHARTS
Dunoon Burgh Hall and the Argyll Collection in partnership with Heritage Horizons are offering a 12-week placement to support a young person (aged 16-30) in the traineeship role of Exhibition Assistant. You will work towards assisting in the creation of an exhibition at Dunoon Burgh Hall to mark 100 years since Joan Eardley’s birth to be held in spring 2022. You will also receive support from the exhibition team to undertake the research, plus training to create exhibition interpretation and will work towards an Archaeology Scotland Heritage Heroes Award.
Image: Little Girl with a Piece © the Eardley estate. All rights reserved, DACS 2021. Photo credit: The Argyll Collection, Argyll and Bute Council