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Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface



Here is the official statement of remit for Third Sector Interfaces:

“​32 organisations in Scotland have a mandate from the Scottish Government to deliver a TSI remit. Some of these organisations are mainly focussed on their roles as TSI’s, while for others, the TSI remit is only a very small part of what they do within the voluntary and community space. What they have in common is that they deliver their TSI roles in line with the Scottish Government’s Third Sector Interface Outcome Framework. This document, published in September 2018, sets out clearly the strategic leadership role TSI’s have in their local communities and the activity that is funded by Scottish Government. There are 4 aspects to the TSI role;

>Being a central source of knowledge – 3rd sector, national and local policy.
>Ensuring the local third sector has a strong voice at a strategic level – locally and nationally.
>Builds the capacity of volunteering, voluntary and community organisations and social enterprise to achieve positive change.
>Connection – providing leadership, vision and coordination to the local third sector, including through partnership and collaboration.”

But what does that mean to you?
Are you a Third Sector Organisation (TSO)?

By that I mean an organisation that is neither publicly or privately owned whose reason for existence is to support the community in some form. You may be a Voluntary group, a Charity, a Social enterprise or a Community Interest Company. You may have a trading arm whose profits fund your work in supporting the community. You may exist entirely or partially on funding and/or fundraising from third party sources.

If your answer is YES. I’m a TSO and I live in the county of Argyll & Bute then the Argyll & Bute TSI (Third Sector Interface) is the organisation who has the contract from Scottish Government to support you to excel in your chosen community field and represent your views at a local and national level.

The Third Sector Interface Outcome Framework is a collaboratively produced document that lays out the strategy for TSIs to be a Force for Change and to support and drive a dynamic and flourishing third sector who are vital to realising the Minister’s ambitions for communities across Scotland.

The TSI’s role is:-
>To be a central source of KNOWLEDGE
>To ensure a strong third sector strategic VOICE
>To build CAPACITY to achieve positive change
>To CONNECT by providing leadership, vision and co-ordination through partnership and collaboration

So I ask again – But what does that mean to you?
It means that you can contact us and ask for help in whatever it is that you are stuck on right now.
Our network of partnerships and collaborations means that we can always connect you with someone else who understands your current situation and can maybe help you to move forward. It means that we can take your challenges, pains and problems back to Scottish Government to represent your views strongly to create an environment for change.
It means that we can take the formal legalese from government and present it in everyday language to help you move forward with more certainty and speed.

During Covid-19, we kept you informed of emergency money available to enable you to keep going. In normal times, it means providing information about appropriate funding routes.

Our network meetings can:-
Put you in touch with others in your field who can help you take the next steps
Help you to create a vision, a plan or a change of direction
Enable you to exchange experiences – learning from others’ success and failures

Get your message out to others within the county and beyond using a range of methods including, but not limited to: social media, email, radio & TV broadcasting, printed media.

Whatever your impression or understanding of Argyll & Bute TSI in the past, the team moving forward have a commitment to the aims of Scottish Government in supporting the third sector. The team have a desire to see you, the third sector, thriving, with a clear direction and a determination to achieve your aims.
The team are looking forward to Connecting and helping you to Build Your Capacity to respond positively to community change and to being your Voice strategically. Together we can achieve through sharing Knowledge, through peer support and through working collaboratively in harmony.