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Screen Argyll | Seachdain na Gàidhlig!

Posted by CHARTS


21/02/2023 14:00 - 23/02/2023 13:30


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Screen Argyll is celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig!

Screen Argyll is partnering with Islay Gaelic Centre Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle in providing screening throughout next week. 


Tues 21 Feb, 2pm: Rùn-dhiomhair Cheananais (The Secret of Kells), All welcome
Tues 21 Feb: Gleann na Mumain (Moomins), Bogha-Frois Toddler Group
Wed 22 Feb, 2pm: Dùthchas (Home), All welcome
Thurs 23 Feb, 1:30pm: Dùthchas (Home), School Screening
Thurs 23 Feb: Gleann na Mumain (The Moomins ), Bogha-Frois Toddler Group


To book tickets, contact islaygaeliccentre@gmail.com

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