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Blàs na Gàidhlig– Traditional Music and Gaelic Language

Posted by Kevin Grant




01/03/2025 12:00 - 01/02/2025 15:00



Blàs na Gàidhlig–
Traditional Music and Gaelic Language

Pairt den Seachdainn na gàidhlig

Are you interested in learning Gaelic or looking for opportunities to use your Gaelic? Pop down for a taste of traditional music and Gaelic. There will be a music session, information about opportunities in Dunoon to learn Gaelic, and an opportunity to meet other people interested in Gaelic. All levels of Gaelic or none welcome.

Thigibh gu Ingram’s airson ceòl traidiseanta agus craic ’s cabadaich sa’ Ghàidhlig. Bidh seisean-ciùil, fios mu dheidhinn cothroman ann an Dùn Omhainn a bhith ag ionnsachadh na gàidhlig, agus cothrom a bhith a coinneachadh ri daoine eile le ùidh air gàidhlig.

Ingrams, Ferry Brae, Dunoon , PA23 7DJ,